QIC, QED-C, Q-STAR and QuIC form International Council to enable and grow the global quantum industry

Quantum Industry Canada (QIC), Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), Quantum Strategic Industry Alliance for Revolution (Q-STAR) and European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) form International Council to enable and grow the global quantum industry.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. – January 31, 2023  – Quantum Industry Canada (QIC), Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), Quantum Strategic Industry Alliance for Revolution (Q-STAR) and European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to formally establish the International Council of Quantum Industry Associations. The council aims to strengthen communication and collaboration among the participating consortia on goals and approaches to the development of quantum technologies.

Emerging quantum technologies leverage fundamental properties of quantum physics to surpass the capabilities of traditional ‘classical’ systems. “Quantum technologies are expected to revolutionize the health, mobility, logistics, finance, climate science, environmental sustainability, energy and secure communications sectors,” said Taro Shimada, Chair of the Board for Q-STAR.

The consortia have been meeting informally for over a year. In April 2022, the consortia released a joint statement for World Quantum Day with the goal of finding new ways to work together to advance the greater quantum ecosystem.

“Quantum innovation and quantum markets are emerging worldwide,” said Celia Merzbacher, Executive Director of QED-C. “The formation of this council creates lines of communication and collaboration that will help our members in countries and regions with common values and with many economic linkages to develop supply chains, open markets, exchange talent, and support policies that benefit the emerging industry and society.”

The current participating consortia are hopeful that the council will continue to grow. Michele Mosca, Chair of the Board of Directors for QIC said,  “We look forward to working with our counterparts around the world to continue to grow and strengthen the quantum ecosystem at an international level.”

Thierry Botter, Executive Director of QuIC added, “We are at the beginning of a global technological revolution. Forming the council and working together promotes equity and reciprocity in the advancement of the international quantum ecosystem. It allows our communities to discuss areas of common interests, such as international standards, intellectual property, and access to funding.”


About Quantum Industry Canada

Quantum Industry Canada (QIC) is a consortium of Canadian quantum technology companies that includes developers of technologies for quantum computing, quantum communications and cryptography, quantum sensing and quantum-safe cryptography as well as companies developing applications for these technologies. For more information, contact us at info@quantumindustrycanada.ca, visit www.quantumindustrycanada.ca or linkedin.com/company/quantum-industry-canada/  and follow @canada_quantum on Twitter.

About European Quantum Industry Consortium

The European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) is a pan-European non-profit association dedicated to the advancement of commercial quantum solutions and Europe’s competitiveness in quantum technology on the global stage. Established in 2021 by several major business actors from across Europe, QuIC today regroups over 160 members, including large enterprises, SMEs, investors, and startups. The consortium operates as a collaborative hub, bringing members together to work on subjects of common interest and forging a vibrant, collaborative pan-European quantum ecosystem. Topics addressed by the consortium work groups include law & trade, standardisation of emerging quantum tech, education and professional trainings, market intelligence, and the pan-European industry’s strategic roadmap.


About Quantum Economic Development Consortium

The Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) is an industry-driven consortium managed by SRI International with the mission to enable and grow a robust quantum-based industry and related supply chain. QED-C is supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the U.S. Department of Commerce and its more than 200 members, including more than 150 corporations from across the quantum supply chain including component suppliers/manufacturers, software and hardware system developers, service providers and end-users. For more information, visit: https://quantumconsortium.org/

About Quantum STrategic Industry Alliance for Revolution

Q-STAR​ (Quantum STrategic industry Alliance for Revolution) was established in Japan on September 1, 2021, by companies determined to take the initiative in using quantum technologies to create new industries and businesses. The initial membership of 24 members is now growing rapidly, including small and large enterprises and startups. Sectors represented range from materials, chemicals, electronics, communications, to infrastructure, manufacturing, finance, construction, and more.

Q-STAR proactively connects and works with organizations around the world in diverse areas, and together will create the quantum industries of tomorrow. https://qstar.jp/en


Media Contact:

Amanda Tomasetti

SRI International



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